Jabal An-Noor, or the Mountain of Light was an artwork created to be part ‘Journeying through the Soul’, an exhibition curated by my friend Beray at the Islamic Museum of Australia. This exhibition showcases eleven artists whose art reflected their visions of Ramadan. Measured at 420 x 297mm and printed locally on recycled paper, it is currently hanging in the Islamic Museum of Australia.
​​​​​​​'Mountain of Light’ or ‘Jabaal An-Noor’ is a piece that depicts the mountain in Makkah where the first few verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW by the Angel Jibraeel.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Simply made using shapes, lines and effects, it’s inspired by Ramadan as this event took place on the ‘Night of Power’ or ‘Laylatul Qadr’ which is the holiest night of Ramadan.

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