'Highlands' is a piece the reflects one's journey in life. It's not about the end goal, it's embracing and loving the process of getting there. 

My first digital artwork. This piece came to life from an event, ModMarkit, to contribute my products to their 500 goodie bags! What a way to gain exposure but as a struggling artist, I compromised and created these mini artworks (grid photos, including mock-up packaging). 
Made simply by using lines, shapes, adding effects and adjustments, you get the night sky, the shadows, the detail of the mountains and the hidden bonfire where its light seeps through the trees and glows into the night. 

The added quote on the back was suggested by a friend and what a brilliant idea it was! It reflects my brand by encouraging self-motivation & inspiration. It reads, 
Climb the mountain not to plant your flag but to embrace the challenge. Enjoy the air& behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. What I hope to achieve with this is to not only put out artwork but to connect it with words of wisdom. With this design, while you're climbing the mountains, embrace the journey to get there. 
I decided to enlarge this piece and frame it to display it at my ModMarkit stall. Since then, it's been with me through this journey ~ seen at other events, market stalls and even part of my first exhibition, After Dawn, curated by Beray Uzunbay, a Melbourne artist to showcase and support local artists at the Albert St Art Gallery. 
Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper by PrintTogether in Melbourne, Australia.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Mini 'Highlands' Artwork
After Dawn Exhibition

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