Product design for my personal brand, nasyeetha.
Designed for an A5 lined notebook, this piece was an introduction into exploring my skills in digital art and vector illustration. The concept came about after I started my business to incorporate art into my products.
This design features a cup of coffee made from lines and shapes. It reflects one's work or productivity whilst having coffee to keep you energised and focused.
To encourage motivation and inspiration, I added a quote on the back of the front cover. It reads, The secret to getting ahead is getting started by Mark Twain. The back cover features my logo and at the end of the notebook, a little message reads, You did it! as an acknowledgement of your completion.
Designed alongside From Mind to Paper to expand my product line, these were sold both separately and as a set.
Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper by PrintTogether in Melbourne, Australia.
Drink Before You Write A5 Lined Notebook
Product Photography